Sorry, item "offcanvas-col1" does not exist.

Sorry, item "offcanvas-col2" does not exist.

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Sorry, item "offcanvas-col4" does not exist.

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Touriseum – Digital games


The memory game developed by itConcept helps the museum to convey didactic content even at a distance. It is available in German, English and Italian. Unlike normal memory games, it combines a picture with a word.
Client: Touriseum
Year: 2020

What has been done:

Our Service:

  • Webapplikation

Want to know more about us?
Here is a small selection of other projects we’ve done.

Schloss Tirol Memory

Digital learning games for students

Tschögglberg high plateau App

A world of adventure

Arte in Pista App

The digital companion for your event.

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