Sorry, item "offcanvas-col1" does not exist.

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Alfa Romeo Stelvio Cup App

The perfect digital roadbook for the car trip! On longer rides in a group, it is easy to lose sight of the other participants and cars. With our app, you can not only display the official route via live tracking, but also see where the other participants are. Using push messages, the organiser can also inform all participants about any changes.
Client: Alfa Romeo Stelvio Cup 2020
Year: 2020

What has been done:

Our Service:

  • Backend Development
  • Frontend Development
  • iOS Development
  • Android Development

Want to know more about us?
Here is a small selection of other projects we’ve done.

Markas Innovation Sprint

The quickstart for new innovative projects

Finance Game Raiffeisen

Implementation of an interactive game for middle and high school students

Touriseum Mediaportal

The media portal of Trauttmansdorff Castle

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